Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My first post... where to begin?

This is my every first post. This my very first blog, not that I have an intention of creating another one, okay. Where to begin? Hmmmm... Interesting question. Where will I begin? Oh well. I had no intention whatsoever to start one, but one night, while drinking, the idea of starting one struck me. Why? Because I was starting to get drunk. Funny, every time I start to get wasted, ideas begin to pop in my head. And by the time I get sober, the ideas are gone. All that's left is a freaking hang over.

Well, I kinda have an idea why this one get stuck and didn't got down the drain with the rest of them. I kinda wanted to express my feelings that Ive kept in for so long. Maybe in the upcoming post, I'll be able to let it out. Maybe.

Honestly, this is freaking hard, especially if you're not much into writing stuffs down. This is really a first for me. I don't have any talent in writing, but what the heck, this isn't rocket science, right!?

Oh shoot. The rain is really pouring. Got to go home. Aye Caramba.


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