Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I am fucked up Tuesday

*currently listening to Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit*
Its just one of those days
When you don't wanna wake up
Everything is fucked, Everybody sux
You don't really know why, but you want justify
Rippin' someone's head off
No human contact, And if you interact
Your life is on contract
Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
It's just one of those days!!
No. This is not a parody of RJ Jimenez "Miss kita pag tuesday" song. That's how I feel today. Like everything is just so fucked up. SSDD. Same Shit, Different Day. Has any of you ever had that kind of day where you feel that the whole damn world just hates you and that the earth would suddenly eat you up?
If you have, then MAYBE you know how I feel. It's that heavy feeling again folks. Like something bad is going to or has already happenned. Like something has changed between you and a friend and you have no idea why. Or you do have an idea, but you're just not quite sure if it's the right idea or not. But you feel that something has changed. Maybe something has. Fuck.
I just hate myself right now. I just do. Why? I don't know. I just do.
I am fucked up. I know someone willl probably say that I'm paranoid or I'm losing it. FYI, I already lost it.
A friend once told me that every problem has a solution. If there not solution, there's no problem. But what if there is a problem and there is a solution, you just don't know what the problem is? How can you know what the solution is?
Did that make any sense at all? If you know the answer to that, let me know.
Maybe a smoke is a "solution" to this "problem". But another "problem" is I quit smoking.
Damn! I am fucked. maybe sleepping on it will help. Or not. Fuck. I'm screwed.


Blogger astro_prick said...


Andyan lang sa pinas si iskulmeyt e, nagkakaganyan ka na..


or.. ok ok, sige kung gusto mong i-secret ang "date" nyo ni iskulmeyt, ok lang. naiintindihan kita. :)

suportahan taka :D

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anong meron?

10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ & ^^ nyahahaha!!! (spits-style)

boy anong rant to? mukhang inspired by recent hifi events. hehe. don't you know that the influx of hifi dufuses and the anti-spits movement is somehow related? the factor? superpoking powers.

ano bang pinagsasabi ko? wala. as usual.

daldal ko no? ang ibig ko lang palang sabihin ay, 'welcome to quarter-life crisis'. yan.

2:47 PM  

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